5B Flower Gardening in April
If you’re anything like me, you have been excited to get back in the garden since February. March gave us quite a few nice days in Chicago, but now that the weather forecast is really looking up, I wanted to share some April tasks for a zone 5B garden. This post comes with a disclaimer that I currently only have flowers in my garden. We plan to grow some vegetables this year, but if you are looking for fruit/vegetable gardening tips, this is not that resource – yet! I also shared some general flower gardening tips from a seasoned pro (my mom) here. Keep reading for 5B flower gardening in April tasks to complete.

1. Tidy flower beds
Even if you did a big Fall cleanup, it is likely that leaves, branches, and other debris (hello, facemasks) have drifted into your yard over the winter. Or maybe you left some leaves in your beds for the bugs to overwinter?! Now is the time to clean out your garden beds before starting any new plantings. I also like to edge my beds in April while the grass is still manageable. Edging is a lot of work and doing it while the weather is cooler makes it slightly less terrible.
2. Dig in compost
Why not tackle another terrible task while the weather is cool?! Kudos to you if you have homemade compost. If not, get some mushroom compost and mix it into your soil. Your plants will thank you for the extra boost as they get ready to bloom. Composting also loosens the soil and will make digging easier in the future.
3. Divide perennials
April is a great time to divide perennials! Catch your plants before they bloom to ensure that they have time to adjust to their new spot in the garden. Each plant is slightly different and I recommend watching a quick YouTube tutorial before splitting. Make sure to give your divided perennials plenty of water after replanting!
4. Cut back ornamental grasses and shrubs
Ornamental grasses and shrubs, like hydrangeas, have four season interest. They provide some texture in a winter garden and should be cut back in the Spring to allow for new growth. You can also divide any grasses that need to be rejuvenated at this time.
5. Prune dead branches on evergreens and trees
It is very easy to see branches that need to be pruned in April. Your trees and evergreens will either have buds or they will look dead. It is important to cut away dead branches because they are a target for insects and fungus. Light pruning can be done by beginners, but I would recommend hiring pros for bigger projects.
6. Spread a preemergent
Spring is the best time to spread a preemergent like Preen because it only works to prevent new weeds from growing. Wait too long and you have a summer full of weeding ahead of you. I like to use the Vegetable Garden version of Preen because it is 100% cornmeal and safe for myself, our dog, the bees, and butterflies. Now that I’m writing this, I realize it would be smarter to buy plain cornmeal and save money on weed control. Do as I say, not as I do 😉

I hope these tasks to complete for 5B flower gardening in April will be helpful! If you have the time, getting these tasks done early will make your summer gardening so much more enjoyable. I would love to see your Spring gardens no matter what zone you live in. Feel free to send me pictures through email or on Instagram. Good luck, gardeners!