Moving Checklist for a Cross Country Move
Welcome to Part 2 of How to Move Across the Country on a Budget. Today’s topic is the moving checklist. While everyone’s list will look slightly different, I tried to hit the key actions to help your move go more smoothly. I should note that I do not have children and therefore this list does not include the extra steps needed when moving with kids. Good luck suckers, because this list is already intense! JK. Sort of.
6 weeks out
- Go through each room in your house to find items to DONATE, SELL, and TOSS.
- This is an easy step – throw away the Toss pile. Don’t second guess it. Just do it. You’ll never miss those things.
- Plan a garage sale or put the Sell pile on a site like Craigslist, Letgo, or Facebook Marketplace. I have found that items like clothing and decor sell better at a garage sale. Electronics and furniture sell better online. For garage sale tips, click here.
- When the garage sale is over, take your original Donate pile plus anything that didn’t sell to the thrift store. Now you have less to pack!
- Start collecting boxes from places like work or grocery stores. If you start early, it will minimize the cost of buying boxes.
- Get your moving supplies. You will need a sharpie, packing tape, bubble wrap, plastic sheeting, and plastic wrap. Something new that I invested in this time around is mattress bags. These things will make moving the bed SO much easier.
- As you bring home boxes, pack rarely used items. This might be a good time to invest in big plastic bins for things like holiday decorations if you haven’t already!
- If possible, schedule dentist and doctor appointments before you move. This will give you peace of mind and plenty of time after moving to find new providers.
4 weeks out
- Create a folder for your moving expenses. If you are moving more than 50 miles from your current place of work, you can file the expenses for a tax return. Keep receipts from packing materials, the moving truck, storage units, gas + mileage, tolls, a moving crew if you hire one, dog/kid sitters, etc.
- Change your address at the Post Office and set up mail forwarding. The site will automatically prompt you to change your voter registration as well!
- Schedule disconnection or transfer of utilities. Make sure everything will be on at the new place on moving day!
- Cancel or transfer memberships like the gym, library, or other local groups you participate in.
- Transfer prescriptions to the pharmacy closest to your new place.
- Obtain medical, vet, and school records so you can easily find new providers after the move.
- Start thinking about meals to clear out your pantry/freezer. I like to meal prep some dinners that can be frozen and easily cooked/served during the last couple weeks before moving. You don’t want to be cooking meals that require every utensil in the kitchen closer to the moving date. Having meals that you can pop out of the freezer and eat with disposable serving ware is the way to go! This way you won’t be eating out every meal either!
- Schedule a moving truck, storage unit, and/or moving company. If you are hiring a moving company, I suggest doing this earlier than later. But if you are moving yourself, moving trucks should be available 4 weeks prior to your move.
- Book accommodations if you are planning a multi-day move.
2 weeks out
- It’s time to get packing! Take everything off the walls and pack away decor items. Fill in holes as you go. I use this spackle but many people swear by bar soap.
- Wrap any fragile furniture you won’t be using for the next few weeks with plastic wrap or sheets.
- Collect any toxic items that need to be recycled. You can find a place to dispose of them on this website.
- Best Buy offers electronics recycling. You can learn more about that here.
- Get the oil changed in your car. It’s one less thing you will have to take care of after you move!
- Pack your clothes that are not in season or clothes that you don’t wear often. I use under bed storage bags for seasonal clothes and they double as a moving box.
- Launder as many linens, blankets, and pillows as you can. Pack away everything except your sheets, a bath towel, and a pillow to sleep on during the last week.
- Call your bank to notify them of your move.
1 week out
- Clear out your pantry and fridge. Donate unopened items to a food pantry and eat through any leftovers.
- Pack up your kitchen. I use towels for packing breakable items. I also pack glasses in a shoebox and then put the shoebox in a larger box for extra protection. It’s a smart idea to use smaller sized boxes for kitchen items since they tend to be heavier.
- Buy disposable cutlery, plates, and bowls for any meals you eat this week.
- Pack non-essential bathroom items, but leave the box open and in your bathroom. This way you can access them up until moving day. Tape up the box the night before you move.
- If you are moving with a pet, pack them a moving bag. Put their favorite toy, treats, a travel water dish, and their bed in the bag. Blue IKEA bags are a great size for your pet’s needs. Keep this bag in the car with you.
- Pack an essentials bag. This post lists everything to pack in an essentials bag.
- Pack the rest of your clothing. Depending on how far you move, it may be wise to take the drawers out of your dresser and plastic wrap them with your clothes inside. This will make for easy unpacking. I also swear by the garbage bag trick for packing clothes on hangers. The best way to pack shoes is to use your luggage!
- Gather any cleaning supplies you may need to clean your way out/in. Keep these out of the way, but in an accessible area.
- Call your movers/truck company to verify your date and time.
The night before
- Take a shower and then pack your shower curtain, towel, and any toiletries you haven’t already packed.
- Unplug any electronics you may still be using such as a computer, router, TV, etc. Take extra care in packing your TV as they are notorious for breaking in transit.
- Unplug the fridge and leave the doors open to defrost.
- Walk through the entire house to make sure everything is packed. Open closets, drawers, and cabinets. Check every outlet. Unscrew light bulbs you plan to take with you.
- Get a full tank of gas and then put your essentials bag in the car.
- If you are traveling with plants, thoroughly water them. I will be writing a whole post on how to move your plant babies!
Moving Day
- Start early if you are moving yourself!
- If you hired movers, make sure you have cash to tip them.
- When your place is cleared out, do a quick clean and take out the trash. Take your cleaning supplies with you in the car (it is illegal to put these chemicals on a moving truck).
- Don’t forget to leave your keys!
- You made it to the end of your moving checklist! Pop the champagne!

I hope this moving checklist helps prepare you for how to move across the country on a budget. The most important thing to remember is not to leave everything until the last minute. Don’t stress yourself out! If I can do this, you can too! Don’t forget that pizza and beer help enormously. Good luck!