Our Three Seasons Room Plans

Our 2021 house schedule has changed yet again. First we decided that we didn’t want to tackle the kitchen quite yet, and now we are bumping the bathroom renovation too! Instead of spending our summer working, we want to enjoy ourselves and spend time doing things that we missed out on in 2020. Because this summer is all about relaxing and having fun, we want to spruce up our three seasons room so we will actually use it! Today’s blog revolves all around our “phase 1” three seasons room plans. I say phase 1 because we would eventually like to replace the sagging ceiling and do something different with the floors. This first refresh is more about aesthetics and making it enjoyable to be in.
I didn’t have a three seasons room growing up, so it was never on my house wish list. However, it ended up being the cherry on top in a home that we love. Every person who comes over makes a comment about how great it is to have a three seasons room and we agree! We didn’t know what we were missing. Unfortunately, this room has become a sort of dumping ground for extra furniture, lawn care items, and a bunch of other “stuff”. This makes the room considerably less desirable to hang out in. We decided that we didn’t want to spend another summer underutilizing this room. Enter our phase 1 refresh! The three seasons room plans and my design idea are below!
Three Seasons Room Plans
- Purge and tidy room
- Clean!!
- Hang pendant lights
- Buy and hang ferns
- Bring out a few plants from inside the house
- Put fresh layer of poly on the rattan dining set
- Reupholster rattan dining set with outdoor fabric
- Buy and hang curtains
- Lay outdoor rug
- Buy couch???

Please excuse my editing skills. Technology is not my friend. But yay! This room is going to be so pretty and welcoming! We can’t wait for many breakfasts, baseball games, and evenings with friends out there! And maybe this little makeover will help me keep it cleaner too 😉 We want to get started this weekend, so be sure to follow me on Instagram to watch this room transformation! I’d also love to know your thoughts or suggestions for this room. Opinions are welcome, so feel free to leave a comment!