decor,  Design Inspiration

Pink Bathroom Refresh Ideas

Now that we have a beautiful new en suite bathroom, it really highlights the tragic state of our second bathroom. Since we have no intention of fully renovating this room anytime soon, I have decided that a pink bathroom refresh is badly needed! My goal is to keep this project under $200. I just want to make the bathroom more livable until we can save up the money to fully gut and renovate the room.

I talked about designing a “Mamie Pink” bathroom in this post and it’s about time I take my own advice and freshen up our bathroom. Aside from taking down the horrendous wallpaper and putting in a new shower curtain, I haven’t done anything to this room. The pink plastic tiles are falling off and the black vanity has a funky smell. Maybe rot? In addition, the black asbestos floors are ugly and have to go. I’m not sure how to fix the tiles yet, but I plan on painting the vanity and floors. I would also like to wallpaper the top portion of the walls and paint the black trim tile white. Below I will highlight some ideas I have for each area!

guest bath
pink bathroom before

Floor Ideas Pink Bathroom Refresh

Pulling out the floors is not an option for both budget and safety reasons. However, they are one of my least favorite parts of this bathroom. Those who know me well know I don’t like using black in my decor. Like, at all. Not even a picture frame. So obviously these floors make me crazy. They gotta goooo. So what’s a gal to do when she can’t get new floor?! Paint to the rescue. My design crush, Jessica Brigham, and my pal Jessica of Jonquil Lane say you can paint floors, so I’m going to paint my floor. Trust the Jessica’s! I’m going to purchase this stencil kit and try my best. Can I do it?! MAYBE! Below are some images I saved as inspiration for the bathroom floor stencil.

Wall Ideas Pink Bathroom Refresh

I would looove to use a fabulous and flashy wallpaper for this pink bathroom refresh, but wallpaper ain’t cheap! And this is a budget makeover. But you know what is cheap? Paint! I plan on recreating a wallpaper pattern by hand in this bathroom. Here are some wallpapers I’m digging. And a Scalamandre Zebra wallpaper for good measure. Can you imagine?! Too bad I can’t freehand it.

Vanity Refresh

The current vanity is so ugly. I know I said I don’t like black, but even people who do would have to admit this is not a good look. My current plan is to…guess what? Paint it! Not sure how it will work on veneer particle board, but I will try! It can’t look any worse than it already does. If you have any tips on painting veneer, please leave them below!

What do you think?! Can I do this whole project for under $200? I’m excited to make this bathroom look just slightly better. Currently it’s like walking into a dark hole when you walk in the pink bathroom. Hopefully some fresh paint in lighter colors will brighten things up! I plan on completing this project sometime within the next few weeks, so be sure to check back for before/after photos!