Spring 2021 ORC Design Plan
What?! We’re doing another One Room Challenge despite not finishing our last project on time? We sure are! And I am feeling very confident that we will finish this time around. Our last ORC was thrown off when Colin almost cut his fingers off and we never quite got back on track. BUT, we’re so ready for this round! We even got a head start. Can we do it? Yes we can! Thank you so much to Linda Weinstein and Better Homes and Gardens for sponsoring another season. I hope you’ll enjoy following along, and make sure to check out all the other amazing participants as well. Keep reading for our Spring 2021 ORC design plan!
So I’m sure you are curious to know which room we are renovating next. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that we did a lot of organizing, tidying, and purging this winter. The worst offender, and candidate for this season’s One Room Challenge, was the office! How very topical of us. Like many, Colin has worked from home since the start of the pandemic. We are very lucky to have a dedicated room in our house for an office #DINKLIFE (this means “double income no kids”, Mom), but the current state of the office is pretty dismal. I don’t know how he is able to work in there for 40 hours a week. Below are some pictures of the room from the home listing, before the purge, and after the purge.

The office is the same blue grey color as the rest of the house. On one hand, I am thankful that the house had a fresh coat of paint when we moved in, but on the other, I can’t understand why someone picked that color. It actually absorbs light and makes every room gloomier. It is the most depressing and boring color ever and I am on a mission to rid the house of it. After moving in, the office became a dumping ground for things that didn’t have a place, or things we had not yet unpacked. This situation spiraled out of control and suddenly we had an episode of hoarders on our hands. We cleaned out the office this winter to prepare for the makeover and it is looking much more manageable lately.

Now that you have some background, let’s talk design plan! I briefly talked about the office design in this post, but that has since changed. Many of the office inspiration photos I had saved would not fit the style of our home. I love a richly painted office with built-in bookcases and molding, but we live in a 1958 ranch and this room is 10 x 10 ft. Not exactly big enough for wall to wall bookcases. In addition, this room faces north and I feared that painting it a dark color would make it feel claustrophobic. Enter, our Spring 2021 ORC design plan –

It’s light! It’s bright! It’s not at all what I had imagined, but hopefully it will be even better! This design really came together when I stumbled across the wallpaper. I’m not sure how it happened. It may have even been a targeted ad, but I had to have it. The rest of the elements will work around this wallpaper, including a semi built-in credenza painted to match the cornflower blue in the paper. Like the rest of our home, there is a nod to mid century design in this room, but it is not going to make any preservationists swoon. Our hope is that it will function as both an office space for Colin and as extra storage space for important mementos, documents, etc.
Thank you so much for stopping by the blog to read all about our Spring 2021 ORC design plan. Again, I encourage you to check out the featured designers as well as all the other participants. The whole website is filled with fabulous design inspiration and DIY projects. Anyone can sign up as a guest participant and it’s not too late! Looking for even more DIY goodness? Check out our very first One Room Challenge here. See you next week!