BLOG,  home tours

Our Door County Cottage

Piggybacking on my Fish Creek guide, today I have a tour of our Door County cottage. My parents bought this vacation house before I was born and we have spent every summer visiting Door County. It is a one bedroom white clapboard cottage that was built in the late 1800’s and restored in the late 80’s. My dad actually happened upon a vintage post card with our house on it and we learned that it was originally called “Fireside Cottage”. How cool is that?!

Growing up, my parents always rented this cottage, but after my dad passed away, my mom decided it was time for the house to be just ours. Since she no longer had to deal with renters, she made some substantial updates to the house that really make it special. Here is a quick list of the biggest updates: gutted and renovated the bathroom, new bedding in the bedroom, new couch, and freshly painted kitchen cabinets. She has also added great decor pieces along the way. Without further ado, enjoy the pictures of our Door County cottage!

door county cottage exterior
pretty door county garden
Sven the goat watches over the house.
houndstooth couch cottage
door county cottage backyard

We feel so lucky to have this Door County cottage and even luckier that we have been able to share it with so many friends and family! It is our favorite place in the whole world! If you have somewhere special that you visit then you know that “butterflies in your stomach feeling” right before you arrive. The best! Hope you enjoyed this tour and have a great week!


  • Ms Cory

    Thank you for sharing not only the images that are precious, but also the emotions that make this place even more amazing.

  • Ann McCullagh

    My dear Bridget. I know how much you love this cottage, and it makes my heart so happy that you and Luke love it as much as Papa and I always have! We wanted to have a forever home away from home where we could always unwind and savor our “Door County” time, and clearly, we have managed to do that. I still get butterflies every time I go up-can’t get enough of Fish Creek! I love the post!

  • JoAnne W.

    Thanks for sharing the awesome pics of the family’s adorable cottage!! Between the charm of the cottage and the charm of DC, I totally understand why it is your all time favorite places to be. (Known in some circles as the Cape Cod of the midwest.)